Sunday, January 22, 2017

Start with Arduino.

Hello friends,

                    Robotics is taking over the world. And don't be surprised if you see flying robots and robotic servants in a few years from now. And robotics is not just a revolution in the field of electronics but also ALGORITHMS .
Why is ALGORITHMS bold???
It is bold because it is as important as hardware. You cannot define hardware without Software(logic).
It is just a structure without a brain. Dead ! Imagine brain damage patients :P

So lets begin with a simple open source micro controller board named Arduino.

Now as you can see in the image it is quite complicated.Well its not ! If you are looking at it for the first time it may seem complicated but its not that really.
The biggest chip on board is the ATMEGA328P microprocessor.

P.S : If you are confused between micro controller and micro processor then its okay.
A microprocessor is just the chip. A brain without the body.U can provide input in binary and get output in binary.
A micro-controller is a complete system. I/O ports,Analog inputs,Clock,memory etc. just like a Personal computer motherboard but smaller in size.

Now lets speak about some basic components on the board.
The ANAlog IN section has 6 pins for Analog input.
EDGE AHEAD: Note that the pins are named analog but are actually digital inputs as we will discuss later so don't plug in anything above 5V into it.We can use these analog pins for various sensors.There are sensors like Temperature sensor,Pressure sensor,Touch sensor.

Also There are 14 I/O pins(digital) which are used for communicating with the microprocessor.Some of the pins are labelled as  ~ . Those are nothing but PWM(Pulse Width Modulation). We will talk about them in depth in the future blogs.

Now these I/O pins can be used to control LED, Servos , Displays, Logic circuits, Timers and also u can redefine pin functions if u are creative.

Another important mention is that uno is 5V compatible only so check ur voltage if you are using any other source of energy.

So one last thing is grow some balls go and buy UNO which is not very costly and boom !! .

Just to get u motivated 

Top Arduino projects 

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